Plan change requests that respect the integrity of existing district plans while giving effect to higher order national and regional policy frameworks.
Our nationwide experience of working with over 40 District Plans enables us to readily understand the structure of all District Plans and to tailor privately initiated plan change requests that address important legal requirements.

North Shore / Atlas Concrete Takapuna
Auckland / Tamaki Campus, University of Auckland
Auckland / Lion Nathan, Newmarket
Manukau / Clevedon Waterways
Franklin / Bombay Motorway Service Centre
Franklin / Matingarahi Fishing Village
Hamilton / Harvey Norman Te Rapa
Hastings / Hastings Home Base Centre
Porirua / Plimmerton Farm (Strategic advice)
Nelson / Nelson Junction Shopping Centre
Waimakariri / Ravenswood Town Centre and Key Activity Centre
Christchurch / Northwood Town and Key Activity Centre
Timaru / Showgrounds Large Format Retail Park
Central Otago / Shannon Farm Rural Living